Playback Theatre and Songs of Liberation with Patricia Mazuela & Leticia Nieto
March 3, June 2, August 4, October 6, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Central Time (US, Canada & Mexico)
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Central European Time
Four (4) Sundays; Eight (8) Hours Total
English & Spanish
Professionals & General Public: $400
Students & Retired: $350
Participants from Latin America: $100
For full and installment invoice, please contact
Leticia Nieto, PsyD, TEP Patricia Mazuela
Starting in the 1950s, folklorist music and protest song became a movement of collective resistance and liberation in Latin America. Patricia Mazuela (of Sin Fronteras and Leticia NIeto (author of have collaborated since 2008 on Playback Theatre that emphasizes social justice - with attention to the aesthetics of Canto Nuevo. Leticia is an Accredited Trainer through the Center for Playback Theatre and a certified Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner of Psychodrama through the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy and a Nationally Approved Marriage and Family Therapy Supervisor.
Please join us for a 4-Session (8 hours) exploration into the heart of liberatory Playback Theatre and learn songs that will stir your heart and lift your spirit.
We will be working bi-lingually in English and Spanish - although fluency in both languages is not necessary.
International Organizational Online Coach Certification Program: GROUP COACHING; @ Dr. Roberto Bonanomi, PsyD (Italy/Switzerland) & Dr. Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP (United States)