GROUP SUPERVISION: Tele'Drama® & Psychodrama

GROUP SUPERVISION: Tele'Drama® & Psychodrama
DATES: March 9 & 23; April 6 & 20, 2023 TIME: 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM Central Time (United States) DALLAS
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM Central Time (Europe) ROME
Tele'Drama Virtual Center / Zoom Meetings DURATION: Four (4) Thursdays; 12 Hours Total LANGUAGE: English; Translated Captions: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese COST: All 4 sessions:
  • Professionals: $280
  • Students & Retirees: $200

Payment, in case of cancellation, will be credited to future programs.

Single session:
  • Professionals: $80
  • Students & Retirees: $60
PRESENTER(S): Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Bojana Glusac Draslar
Four sessions, Three (3) hours each; Total of 12 hours
Attend ALL or ANY
Supervision session # 1: Thursday, March 9, 2023
Supervision session # 2: Thursday, March 23, 2023
Supervision session # 3: Thursday, April 6, 2023
Supervision session # 4: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Tele'Drama & Psychodrama Group Supervision
For partial scholarship opportunities contact or submit here


Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Creator of TELE'DRAMA
Bojana Glusac Draslar
Bojana Glusac Draslar
Psychodrama Group Supervision: Monthly 90-Minute Sessions
Psychodrama Group Supervision: Monthly 90-Minute Sessions
Psychodrama Individual Supervision: Scheduled Upon Request
Psychodrama Individual Supervision: Scheduled Upon Request
60 MIN OR 120 MIN
Presenters: Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP
Information & Registration
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