Maurizio Gasseau, was born in Rome, Associate Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Aosta. Past Chair of the Psychodrama Section of International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP, Jungian analyst, honorary member of ARPA member of International Association of Analytic Psychology IAAP, certified psychotherapist and psychodramatist in Italy as well as leader of training groups all over the world. His main interests are researching dream interpretations in individual analysis and in psychodrama and group psychotherapy, social dreaming matrix, and working on transgenerational topics. He developed the Jungian Psychodrama method and theory in 1980 and Psychodramatic Social Dreaming in 2004. Director of Training of Postgraduate School of Psychotherapy IPAP – Institute of Analytical Psychology and Psychodrama. Board member IAGP 2003 - 2012 and 2015 - 2025. Co-chair of IAGP Education Committee.
Co - chair of FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation to share experience in intercultural work, working with refugees, using Morenian tools.
He led training groups in 46 countries in presence.
Author of more than ninety publications on group psychotherapy and research, such as Lo psicodramma junghiano co-edited with Giulio Gasca and Il sogno. Dalla psicologia analitica allo psicodramma junghiano co-edited with Riccardo Bernardini.
He received the Federation European Psychodrama Training Organization Excellence Award in 2017 and the Fellowship Award of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP in 2022
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